Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Selling - Tips Series #7 - The Tag Team

Special Series - Closing Strategy - The Tag Team

If you have ever watched a professional wrestling match you have seen "tag team" matches. These are matches where two wrestlers are on each team and when one wrestler gets tired or needs help they tag the other wrestler who is outside the ring.

When the tag occurs, the other wrestler gets in the ring and starts wrestling. This same technique is used quite successfully in the sales business. Car dealers use this technique by bringing in the sales manager followed by the finance manager (who really is a salesman for higher interest rates) to back up the initial salesman. Sometimes a sales person will get stumped on an objection and by interjecting a fresh face with new ideas, one can handle the objection.

In some cases one can bring in the authority tag, where a more senior person can come in and offer their experience or knowledge to push a sale over the edge. There are referral tags where you can send a prospect to an existing or past (and happy) customer to validate how good your services or products are.

Tags are used to wear down objections or add new information to push a sale forward. Make sure you have a tag system set up in advance of any use of a tag. These tags must be very smooth and seamless.

Bob Cefail
Marketing World News (www.MarketingWorldNews.com)

Search Engine Training CD Set Special Offer Is Extended!

Data Resource Consulting is now extending its special search engine training CD offer because of the tremendous response we have gotten. We were not able to handle all the people who wanted the CD set. We are, therefore, extending the offer for an additional week. Here is the original special:

If you have ever considered setting up a Google search engine Adwords campaign, and were concerned about whether you were going to be successful or not, we have very good news for you. Data Resource Consulting has been involved in search engine marketing research end delivery for almost two years. Our technical group has now put together a three CD set of training materials (containing 15 separate training videos) which you can learn about by going to www.adwordstraining.org. These CDs can take a complete novice and turn him into an expert. The CDs are fully narrated and use a step-by-step training system to show you what we have learned. By setting up your own Google campaign, you can create your own leads without the need to use a third party lead source.

We have a very special price for the next 5 days and the supply is limited to the next 50 customers. The regular price for this training package is $895, but you can now purchase the CDs for just $195. If you are interested please contact me by email and leave a telephone number in order to order the CD set.

Bob Cefail
Hot Daily Marketing Tips
(727) 465 0935

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