Friday, May 27, 2005

Selling Tips - Series #6 - Handling Prospect Objections

Special Series - Closing Strategy - The Attitude

The best closers in the world are the people who don't worry about whether they lose the sale or not. They are FEARLESS closers. They don't mind getting in there and pushing the close hard. They'll use tags and don't extend buy nows or special offers.

What helps these closers stay tough? No scarcity of prospects. Your fearless closer typically is prospecting at every turn, getting referrals from past clients, or has a great lead source. They don't care if a given prospect doesn't close because they have 5 other prospects waiting in line to buy.

You can create this atmosphere through prospecting your past or current clients, or by prospecting friends, relatives, and even neighbors. You set up this environment by using Google Adwords to drive so many visitors to your site that you have an abundance of leads.

Whatever you do, remember that the more prospects you have the braver you will be at the all important closing point.

Bob Cefail publisher of top marketing blog.

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