Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Closing Series - Closing Strategy

Special Series - Closing Strategy

One of the key steps in any sales process is the handling of objections. There are several types of objections which we will cover in the next several articles. The first type of objection is the scaredy cat objection. This is detectable when a person starts giving you different objections after you handle a prior objection. The objections he is giving are not legitimate.

Underlying the changing of objections is the simple fact that he or she is scared. You handle a scaredy cat by reminding them of good decisions they have made in the past. Have them tell you about moments when they exhibited good judgment. Then remind them of the benefit that they will get out of your offer and have them tell you why buying your offer will help them.

This is all about increasing their confidence so that they can make a good decision. Sometimes people will come right out and say that they are nervous about their decision. Most of the time though, they will try to mask their insecurity.

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