Thursday, March 17, 2005

It's A Bull Market Stupid

When are the powers that be going to admit that we're in another major bull market? The DOW is well over 10,000 and all indications are that it's going way up as this long term trend graph clearly indicates.

I think we're poised for another huge stock market boom, but this time it will be for real, based on substance and not hype.

Remember: internet access has just hit the 50% penetration mark. There will be a boom as it goes to 90%. Broadband is less than 50% so we're poised for a ton of growth there. And let's not forget about convergence - the combining of voice, data, internet, IP telephony and content into a single company. There will be a HUGE boom with these types of companies in the coming years with a shakeout late this decade. But this part is just begining so buy stocks in convergence players NOW.

--- Toli Cefail

Toli Cefail is a marketing executive and co-founder of the online marketing companies Data Resource Consulting and In Touch Media Group.

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