Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Selling Tips Series #4

Special Series - Closing Strategy

The following four words may be the most important words you will read if you are involved with sales: TIME IS YOUR ENEMY! Let's read that again -TIME IS YOUR ENEMY! This rule is an absolute truth in sales. If you have any experience in sales, you can remember many cases where you got someone excited about buying something and then they wanted to think about it or had to talk to someone, on and on. The minute you let them "add time" to the transaction you have cut your probability for success by at least 50%, in actuality probably a lot more. Remember that the only things that they are going to "think about" are the reasons they shouldn't do a deal. Suddenly the problems of life seep in and they are off handling other fires and not focusing on the sales transaction you started with them.

What is the solution? You must, must, must take the time out of the decision at every juncture. You must close now at all cost. Your tools are "buy now" special offers and the ability to handle objections to buying now. Most objections are not legitimate and you need to just move them off the objection and remind them "why" they decided to seek your product or service in the first place. Remember that during the initial phase of any sale, you must find out WHY they are buying, and what need or problem is being addressed through the purchase of your offer. The "reason" that they are buying is what you will need to use to leverage the close right now. Just get this into your head-TIME IS YOUR ENEMY!

Search Engine Training CD Set Special Offer

If you have ever considered setting up a Google search engine Adwords campaign, and were concerned about whether you were going to be successful or not, we have very good news for you. Data Resource Consulting has been involved in search engine marketing research and delivery for almost two years. Our technical group has now put together a three CD set of training materials (containing 15 separate training videos) which you can learn about by going to These CDs can take a complete novice and turn them into an expert. The CDs are fully narrated and use a step-by-step training system to show you what we have learned. By setting up your own Google campaign, you can create your own leads without the need to use a third party lead source. We have a very special price for the next 4 days and the supply is limited to the first 50 customers. The regular price for this training package is $895, but you can now purchase the CDs for just $195. If you are interested, please contact me by email and leave a telephone number in order to order the CD set.

Bob Cefail
Hot Daily Marketing Tips
(727) 465 0935

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