The story is fantastic as usual. And the demo gives you a great taste of what's to come without spoiline the traditional Mass Effect story experience.
I was initially concerned about playing the demo because I didn't want to ruin the opening story for myself. I remember how amazing that was in Mass Effect 2 (on which I'm now on my 5th playthrough). But Bioware really took care of us fans who've played both ME1 & 2 in this demo and does not spoil the experience.
The demo is great and is a quick play through - about 1 hour. I really like that it's short because, again, it doesn't spoil anything but gives you enough of a game taste to see what's what. I also like the shortness of it because I can play it during the week when I have to work without worrying about staying up too late because the play time is so long.
How will this affect Star Wars The Old Republic? (SWTOR)
Hmmm. Well, I was logging in to TOR to do my daily routine even if I didn't quest and now I'm just playing the ME3 demo. I'll probably play both games simultaneously since my main character is not yet level 50 in TOR.
That said, I can definitely see that there will be some slack off when ME3 comes out in 2 weeks.
One important note before I sign off:
If you have not played Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you play them BEFORE playing Mass Effect 3. You will get soooo much more out of it and really get your money's worth if you do. Just playing ME3 without the others is a real waste of a potentially fantastic entertainment experience. And if you play them later, you'll have spoiled the story.
I don't care what the promos say. Bioware - bless their hearts - is just trying to get new business when they say "oh, you can play it without playing the other 2 games". While that's true mechanically, like fine wine, it's better when served the way it was meant to be; which is playing the 3 games in succession.
So, if you consider yourself a real gamer and a real RPG fan, make sure you've played ME1 & ME2 in succession BEFORE you play ME3. You'll thank me!