Tips on marketing, advertising, managing your business, dealing with competition PLUS, weight loss, political & current event commentary, pop culture, pet peeves and baking with alternative grains ('cause I'm into it :-).
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Bud Light Swear Jar
I'm going to put one of those f&^*%&g swear jars in my office so we can get our mother f&%$#%g staff a f&%&$#g case of Bud Light! (Where do I send my quarters? :-) )
-- Toli (ROFFL)
Friday, June 01, 2007
Vista Trouble? - New word from Toli Cefail gives comic relief!

I've been "Vista-fied" for several months now since my main computer's power died and I was forced to buy a new one with only one day's notice.
Of course the store only had computers with Vista pre-loaded, so I had to buy one. I tried to revert back to XP. I had the hard drive wiped and XP Pro re-installed, but HP, who is undoubtedly on the Microsoft payroll, refused to give us drivers that would enable the install to be completed. So I was stuck with VISTA :-(.
They've done some updates so most of my programs are working okay now (after 3 months of hell with almost nothing working). But I'm still Vistafied on a regular basis.
So the next time you're using Vista & it slows, crashes or locks up your computer with that madenning circle spinning, just say, "pardon me, I'm Vistified."