Tips on marketing, advertising, managing your business, dealing with competition PLUS, weight loss, political & current event commentary, pop culture, pet peeves and baking with alternative grains ('cause I'm into it :-).
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
American Idol - The Final 6! Competition is Tight!
All of the contestants are fantastic and we have no doubt that they will all sell tons of records. In fact, it is our belief that this crop of contestants will sell more records than all prior contestants combined.
And now, on to this week's American Idol performance reviews.
5701 - Carrie Underwood - TOTALLY AWESOME! Her performance was fantastic. Simon, as usual, was right.
5702 - Bo Bice - FANTASTIC! Bo is awesome. He reminded me tonight that I am in fact a rocker. Well done!
5703 - Vonzell Solomon - Great performance. Vonzell has really risen to the occasion and proved to be an excellent contestant.
5704 - Anthony Federov - SUPER!! Anthony reminded us tonight of everthing we like about him when he first came to the competition! He's gotten back to who he is and is once again showing his talent. FANTASTIC!!
5705 - Constantine Maroulis - Very good but not his best performance. Constantine is so appealing that he could get away with just about anything. Please note that Simon was right.
5706 - Scott Savol - Average guy? Average performance. This may be Scott's last week and based on all the performances tonight and the contest history, it should be.
---- American Idol Performance Reviews by Toli Cefail
Toli Cefail is a musician, music producer and marketing executive of a prominent online marketing firm.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
This Week's American Idol Reviews
Now on to the American Idol performance reviews for the week.
5701 - Constantine Maroulis - HOT! Constantine came to WIN! Great song choice. Excellent performance. Paula was spot on about him.
5702 - Carrie Underwood - You have to be a diva to carry a Donna Summer song and Carrie YOU ARE A DIVA! Well done.
5703 - Scott Savol - He did well & picked a great song. But still not the star quality we’re looking for. I was bored.
5704 - Anthony Federov - Excellent! Anthony, you reminded us why we loved you in the first place. This was the perfect song for you. Very well done!
5705 - Vonzell Solomon - Excellent performance. I expected it to be better honestly because Vonzell is more talented than I originally thought.
5706 - Anwar Robinson - This may be Anwar’s last week. Anwar is a fantastic singer technically but I’m looking for more feeling.
5707 - Bo Bice - AWESOME!!! Perfect song. Perfect performance. I like that song better than the original. Bo, put that song on your album. We LOVE Bo!!
Bottom 3 picks - Scott, Anwar & Vonzell
Picks for off this week - Scott or Anwar
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
The Latest American Idol Contestant Reviews - April 12th 2005
Look, we want everyone to feel good. We don’t want to invalidate any American Idol contestant. But we need to provide constructive critisism or we’re just kidding ourselves.
Now all of the contestants this season were fantastic. So let’s keep that in mind when reading these reviews going forward.
5701 - Nadia Turner - Trying to much to make a statement and not trying to win. This is not a political contest and you’re not U2 yet. This is a singing and performing contest. Nadia, you’re likability factor went down again this week. Stop trying to “prove” something or “say something” and just SING. You have a great voice. Let’s hear that.
5702 - Bo Bice - HOT!!! Freebird is one of my favorite songs. Bo, you ROCK!!! We love Bo.
5703 - Anwar Robinson - It was just okay. Actually boring. Anwar has such a great voice but it’s wasted on boring songs & performances. This was boring & safe. The star quality was missing.
5704 - Anthony Federov - Anthony, we love you & always have. But it’s not about how much we like you, it’s about winning. Much better this week but likely not good enough to stay. Remember: ALL of the contestants this time are AMAZING. So just because you go doesn’t mean you’re not great.
5705 - Vonzell Solomon - Vonzell, we’ve grown to love you. This is your worst vocal performance in weeks. You will get a recording contract because you are great. But since all the contestants are amazing… We’re still voting for you.
5706 - Scott Savol - Yikes. Scott… hate to say it but this may well be your last week. The big notes were okay but the rest was not good. Overall, not good enough this week dude. Simon was right.
5707 - Carrie Underwood - Thank God for Carrie Underwood! Best performance of the night. Proving versatility of the rocker. Carrie, you’re a pro.
5708 - Constantine Maroulis - Ok. Thank God for Carrie and… Constantine Maroulis. Fantastic in every way.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
This Week's American Idol Performance Reviews
Before we get into reviewing this weeks American Idol performances we’d like to comment briefly on the band and song selection. (Note, our reviews always include the contestants’ vote numbers as well). The American Idol Season 4 band is improved a bit. Thanks to the music director and producers for that. This week’s theme was Broadway show tunes. Now I grew up on Broadway shows and therefore cannot for the life of me figure out who was helping these people pick their songs. There are soooooo many fantastic songs that could have been chosen from this genre. Whoever the producer is who is “helping” the singers choose their songs needs to be given The Donald (I.e. “you’re fired”). And whatever you do PLEASE don’t bring them back next season! Now, on to the reviews of this weeks American Idol performances: 5701 - Scott Savol - Very good singing. A bit off key and a bit boring. 5702 - Constantine Maroulis - Superb! We LOVE Constantine! Dude, you get better every week. Keep it up. 5703 - Carrie Underwood - Hailing from New York and growing up on Broadway shows, I found this performance completely wonderful. Carrie, you’ve proven that you are a total pro. 5704 - Vonzell - Excellent. Vonzell is a sleeper. You get better every week. Keep it up girl. 5705 - Anthony Federov - okay. Weak in the beginning and a bit boring. This week it will be either Anthony or Nadia who will go home. 5706 - Anwar Robinson - Much better this week Anwar. You seemed to really be making an effort to connect with the audience. It was however, noticeable to next week try to make it effortless. Just be. 5707 - Nikko - Great performance. A bit off key in spots but a very good performance. Nikko, you’re getting more likable. Keep that up. 5708 - Bo Bice - LOVE BO!!! Bo, everything you do, you put your own signature & style on it and it’s HOT! Love the shirt too. Very ! 5709 - Nadia - Much better this week Nadia. We noticed less of the attitude appearance from previous weeks. We’re looking for you to be more lovable. Notice how lovable / likable the past idols were. All of the top 2’s are extremely likable. ----- Toli Cefail Toli Cefail is a musician, artist and veteran marketing executive.